Aerope, Pittheas & Leon is a children’s book written by friend and fellow EFL teacher Maria Logginidou, illustrated by Nana Papadopoulou and published by Atreidon Kyklos. It’s about two twelve-year-old friends that while wandering around the citadel of Mycenae, they end up near the Lions’ Gate. And then something magical happens: one of the Lions comes to life!


As the stone guard above the citadel’s gates turns into a real-life lion, the plot takes you by the hand and leads you into the mythical history of Mycenae. We learn about the first king of Mycenae and the reason he chose the specific location for his new city, who built the great stone walls, how the two lions ended up above the gates and a lot more! 

Maria Logginidou has done a great job delivering all that information through a story that is humorous and witty, kindles your imagination and effortlessly immerses you into a time of ancient heroes and creatures and a great civilization that thrived during the Bronze Age in Greece (c. 1750-1050 B.C.).  I loved Maria’s writing style, especially the way she blends the past with the present through her choice of words (Even Andromeda has her nails done at a nailsculptress’!).

Andromeda showing off her perfectly manicured hands!

The writer uses the story not only to convey information but also to tackle social issues such as working and living conditions, gender equality, absurd taxes and waste of state funds on unnecessary ventures. The beautiful illustrations by Nana Papadopoulou really do the book justice, as they bring out the story and its delightful characters!

All in all, Aerope, Pittheas & Leon is a must-read not only for children but for anyone interested in learning about Mycenae, its myths, and its great civilization. After reading the book, a visit to the actual archaeological site in Mycenae, where the events of the story take place, will leave you lost for words as you admire the architecture of the citadel, the cyclopean walls and of course the world-famous Lions’ Gate (the same lions that came alive in the story!). And after that, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the museum that hosts magnificent exhibits from the Bronze Age and discover the beauty of Mycenaean craftmanship!

photo by Steven Zucker (from

And that’s not all! The book comes with a treat: it’s a bilingual edition; the story is written both in English and Greek! Enjoy!


About Me

I’m Rania (short for Urania), an EFL teacher, avid book reader and ed-tech enthusiast. I work at a Greek Primary school and I’ve been teaching children for a long time. In this blog I’m going to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences from the Primary classroom. 


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