The student repellent.


The 5th grade book is an English textbook that should be named “How to write a textbook and FAIL but still get paid anyway despite the sloppy job because no-one would ever care even if it was about the significance of the mating season of the imperial penguins somewhere in the Antarctic. Period. Full-stop. Whatever.” And I’m not exaggerating. Not in the slightest. It’s so badly written that every year of teaching 5th graders feels like a marathon race where you have to find a lot of hidden Easter eggs (meaningful and interesting materials and resources) for your students. And how does one feel after running a marathon race for 10 months? Exhausted? Tired? Worn out? Burned out? And the list of synonyms could go on. A fellow EFL teacher that runs a blog by the name ROOM9English has written a very interesting post on the quality of the school books that is right to the point. You can read it here .


Thankfully, a lot of EFL colleagues came to the rescue and created tons of materials for the 5th grade book that made our teaching lives more bearable. The flipbook I’ve created below includes the first 4 Units of both the Student’s Book and the Activity book. I’ve included links to the resources. As for the Listening files, I could not bring myself to bother. I just included a link to the ministry’s ebook, if you are brave enough to listen to adults pretending to be children, pretending to speak with a French accent that comes out more like a Russian one. 


You can download the flipbook as an .exe file for Windows, annotate, share, print, use the bookmark tabs to jump to the parts you need. If you have a MacOS just let me know, I’ll upload the mac app as well. 




About Me

I’m Rania (short for Urania), an EFL teacher, avid book reader and ed-tech enthusiast. I work at a Greek Primary school and I’ve been teaching children for a long time. In this blog I’m going to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences from the Primary classroom. 


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The 5th grade English book a.k.a. "The student repellent"

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